Stakeholder Communication and Engagement

Stakeholder Identification and Communication

The school attaches great importance to communication with stakeholders and uses a variety of communication channels. The Sustainable Development and Social Practice Research Center also publishes a sustainability report every August and runs the relevant activities, meetings, and surveys. The School Affairs Development Center publishes an accountability report on the current state of school affairs in December every year and announces the results of school affairs governance, talent cultivation, and other relevant tasks. The center established various communication channels to benefit stakeholders’ opinions and feedback, such as regular information disclosure via YunTech’s sustainable network.

Major Issues and Impact Level Assessment

To accurately understand the issues stakeholders are concerned about, 15 major topics are selected through the 4 steps: identification, ranking, confirmation, and inspection.

Compared to the 2020 Sustainability Report, this report’s major theme sand topic boundaries are slightly different depending on stakeholders’ concerns. Topics such as financial governance, faculty career development and training, energy management and conservation measures, environmental and ecological sustainability, academic and industry-academia cooperation performance, and educational environment and opportunities are deleted. Topics such as new employee employment and environment, net zero carbon emissions, water resources management, international links, and stakeholder communication are added.

Management Policy Disclosure and Boundary Analysis for Major Issues

Teaching and administrative input, teaching and administrative activities, R&D outcomes, school image and marketing, social inclusion, and local resilience are the 5 major value chain stages of YunTech. They also determine the impact boundary for the 15 major topics disclosed.

Comparison with the UN SDGs contents

YunTech aims to promote economic, social, and environmental sustainability through the power of education and knowledge, and to integrate the spirit of sustainability into the school’s vision, goals, and strategies. Our mission is to focus on education (SDG4) supplemented by diverse partnerships (SDG17) and practice the 17 sustainable development goals. Among them, SDG8,SDG11, SDG12, and SDG16 have excellent degrees of contribution. We will continue to maintain their contribution in the future and actively expand other sustainable projects.