Times Higher Education has released the university impact rankings 2020, which were determined based on the 17 United Nations (UN) SDGs. A total of 766 universities from 89 countries across six continents entered the rankings, of which 24 are located in Taiwan. Two Taiwan’s universities rank top 100 across the world while YunTech ranks third among Taiwan’s universities of science and technology.Moreover, YunTech ranks 79th and 80th in terms of its accomplishments in Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure and Goal 6 Clean Water and Sanitation, respectively. It ranks between 101st and 200th with regard to its achievements in Goal 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, SDG 10 Reduce Inequality within and among Countries and Goal 12 Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns.

Furthermore, YunTech ranked the 70th across the world, 18th in Asia and 2nd among the public universities of science and technology in Taiwan in the GreenMetric World University Rankings 2019 based on its advantageous water circulation system design.

The aforementioned achievements suffice to demonstrate that YunTech values sustainable development, exerts a great impact on the society and even the world and shoulders its social responsibilities as a university by giving back to the society. That is why Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Awards (TCSA) have recognized its contribution to sustainable development: Taiwan Top 50 Corporate Sustainability Award, Best Corporate Single Performance – Social Integration and Corporate Sustainability Report Awards – the best Gold Award.

(2019 YunTech made great achievements in R & D, innovation and industry-academia collaboration)